Ayoub Ayoub


  • Starting Price: $15.00
  • 0 التقيمات

“Ayoub” المواقع

حول “Ayoub”


  • Physics teacher form grade 7 till 12, and a robotics supervisor. ( 2019 - Present ) Irfan High School - Hasbaya

    I'm very excited looking forward to get with my simple ideas to any student he/she strive for knowledge.... I love richard feynman !!!


  • Masters in physics- Hydrodynamics ( 2017 - 2021 ) Lebanese University - Faculty of Science

    I'm a physics and mathematics teacher, getting addicted to my own flavor in giving the idea and spreading it as wide as possible!

“Ayoub” الإجابات

لا استشارة عبر الإنترنت.


لم يتم نشر مقالات حتى الآن.
  • مشاركة الملف الشخصي::