Doaa Tahrawi Doaa Tahrawi

Doaa Tahrawi

  • Starting Price: $13.00
  • 0 التقيمات

“Doaa Tahrawi” المواقع

الاثنين, الثلاثاء, الأربعاء, الأحد

حول “Doaa Tahrawi”

Motivated, passionate English teacher with expertise creating engaging lesson plans to suit diverse students. Excellent communication and organization skills and several digital learning methodologies. Responsible for managing a class of 30 students.


  • Teacher ( 2021 - 2022 ) Shattir شاطر (Kuwaiti application )

    I work as an English language teacher for a Kuwaiti application called (shattir) for 2 years .
    I record lessons for the students .

  • Teacher ( 2018 - 2020 ) Aman educational center
  • Translator ( 2018 - 2021 ) Online platforms


  • Bachelor degree in English language ( 2012 - 2017 ) Al-Aqsa university

    English teacher

“Doaa Tahrawi” الإجابات

لا استشارة عبر الإنترنت.


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