رائد ملاعب رائد ملاعب

رائد ملاعب

  • Starting Price: $20.00
  • 0 التقيمات

“رائد ملاعب” المواقع

الاثنين, الثلاثاء, الأربعاء, الخميس, الجمعة, السبت , الأحد

حول “رائد ملاعب”

I am an experienced teacher, I teach all sciences for all grades, especially Math and Physics for secondary classes. I teach in a new and professional technique, concentrating on the concept, facilitating the problems and encouraging students to work.

الخدمات المقدمة

المرحلة الثانوية 2 خدمات(s)
رياضيات $25.00

I am an experienced teacher, I teach all sciences for all grades, especially Math and Physics for secondary classes. I teach in a new and professional technique, concentrating on the concept, facilitating the problems and encouraging students to work.

فيزياء $25.00

I am an experienced teacher, I teach all sciences for all grades, especially Math and Physics for secondary classes. I teach in a new and professional technique, concentrating on the concept, facilitating the problems and encouraging students to work.

الهندسه المدنيه


  • Teacher ( 2022 - Present ) Lebanese College

    Math and Physics Teacher for Secondary Classes


  • Civil Engineering University Of Balamand

“رائد ملاعب” الإجابات

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