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“Doaa AL-Ramlawi” Locations

Palestine Palestine


  • -7.5546860, 110.8657910
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

About “Doaa AL-Ramlawi”

Medical optometrist and postgraduate student at the College of Administration, 12 years of experience in the scientific field, health sector and medical sciences, teaching experience for more than 3 years. Explaining and teaching the specializations of health colleges, the College of Sciences, and specializations related to public administration in a smooth and clear manner, while providing the best examples.

Offered Services

كلية العلوم الصحية


  • Bachelor of Optometry ( 2011 - 2016 ) Islamic University of Gaza

    • Accomplished optometrist and expert in diagnosis of nearsightedness, farsightedness and complex eye-care needs.
    • Equipped with strong background offering specialized care as key member of group practice.

    • Practiced Optometrist with 12 years of experience performing examinations and diagnosis of eye diseases and disorders. Skillful in preparing prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses, maintaining strong commitment to accuracy, achieving high levels of satisfaction.

  • MS Public Administration Sebelas Maret University

    Resolving issues related to public administration in general, especially those related to the management of health sectors such as hospitals and medical clinics.
    Providing the best images and modern methods for applying and implementing modern administrative programs that upgrade institutions and rebuild institutions and various transactions


  • • Organization: MOH Palestinian License for Optometrist, Mem ID 6585. Optom Number (082016006). 2016
  • • Organization: OWSD (Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World), Affiliated Member. 07/08/2020
  • • Organization: Palestine Academy for Science and Technology. OWSD Palestine National Chapter, Membership and Recruitment Committee. 04/12/2020
  • • Organization: IMI (International Myopia Institute), General Member.24/02/2021
  • • Organization: TWOP (The World of Optometry), Clinical Director, Membership. 14/06/2021
  • • Organization: The Researchist, volunteer. (Educational Research Center). 31/08/2021
  • • Organization: Postgraduate researchist. (Educational Research Center) 7/2022.

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